Believe it or not, this is the traditional coffee prepared In Vietnam from the egg yolks, sugar, condensed milk and Robusta coffee. This coffee has a lot of proteins and is considered as a little meal.
So, what do you need in order to create this specific coffee?
One egg, 3 teaspoons of Vietnamese coffee powder (that is if you want that traditional taste, you can but it on Amazon, but if not, you may try it with some other coffee powder), two teaspoons of sweetened condensed milk and boiling water.
First, you will need to brew a small cup of coffee, crack and egg and throw away the whites (the yolk is all you need). Mix the yolk with the sweetened milk and add a tablespoon of brewed coffee. Pour the brewed coffee in a clear coffee cup and after that add the egg mixture on top and you are done. Traditionally it is served in a mug that stands in the bowl of warm water in order to preserve the temperature.
This coffee is served in Hanoi since the 1950s. There this coffee is considered as every café menu. So if you find yourself in Hanoi, you will make a big mistake if you don’t try this.