When we talk about white coffee, think about the black coffee with added milk. There are a lot of variations and types of this coffee, but some of the world’s most common are the following: café latte, café Au Lait, café Breva, café Macchiato, café Latte Fredo, café Mocha, espresso con Panna, espresso Granita, Frappe, Indian filter coffee, Hammerhead or Shot in the dark, Ice coffee, Cuban coffee, Arabica coffee, Irish coffee, Kopi Tubruk, Lungo, Ristretto, Melya, Vietnamese coffee, cafe crema, Ipoh white coffee etc.
In this article, we will mention some of them.
Caffe Latte
Or just Latte (in Italian the word latte means milk), comes from Italy, and if we literally translate the name, it means coffee with milk. If we talk numbers it contains 1/3 espresso and 2/3 hot milk with a layer of foamed milk on top of it. It is prepared in the cup of 240 ml. Today, this is the most common coffee drink, having millions of consumers worldwide every day. The most expensive lattes are sold in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Coffee and milk are necessary parts of every household, but when did they mix together in order to create caffe latte? Who was the inventor of this magnificent mixture that represents the cornerstone of every restaurant or cafe in the modern time?
Well, the answer cannot be precise. The term caffe latte was mentioned first-time around 1867 in the English dictionary. The mix of milk and coffee was also mentioned in the Austrian-Hungarian empire, Venice, Vienna, and London. It became very popular after Second World war.
As mentioned above, the base of this coffee is espresso, so you may ask yourself what is the difference between these two beverages. The answer is that the espresso is just concentrated coffee and has stronger taste and aroma. If you are not a lover of strong and bitter coffee, just add some milk, make a foam on top and before you know it you made yourself a café latte.
Also, this coffee is related to cappuccino, but when it comes to the question of how to differentiate these two beverages the answer is simple. The proportion is different. The cappuccino has a thicker foamed milk, so the cup has 1/3 of espresso, 1/3 of hot milk and 1/3 of foamed milk.
Latte Macchiato is a lot like caffe latte. It is served in the tall glass and the hot milk is concentrated in the bottom of the glass. On top, the barista pours a small amount of espresso. The layers are visible and if you look at the glass it may seem that you are looking at some kind of an abstract art because of the marks that are created.
Another specific characteristic of this coffee is that it can give you a chance to prove your drawing skills. So, not also it is tasteful if you are skilled enough it may also be wonderful to look at. The possibilities are numerous when it comes to the patterns that can be created. From heart and roses to the complex drawings of movie or cartoon characters.
Caffe Crema
This name refers to two types of coffee. Either we think about an espresso (because this was his name in the middle of the 20th century) or we think about a long espresso (which is the specialty in the Swiss and Austria).
If you have an espresso machine, you can use it to produce cafe crema and also cafe Americano. Both of this drinks use an espresso brewing process which considers using hot water under pressure and forcing it through the ground coffee. In the preparation of Caffe Crema, all the water is passed through the coffee, while an Americano is a diluted shot of espresso.
The coffee that you need to use is ground coarser (typical for standard espresso). The water runs through the coffee and because of this the extraction from the coffee begins. The time that you need to dedicate in order to produce this type of coffee is about 30+ seconds. It is made in mugs from 120 – 140 ml.
Espresso Con Panna
This literally translated means espresso with cream, and you can only imagine the taste if you read the next few lines that will explain the process of preparation of this coffee.
The traditional cup is called demitasse, but if you do not have it, the normal espresso cup will do the work. You will need a double espresso and some whip cream. The drink has specific taste because it has the bitterness of espresso whit the sweetness of whip cream. The process of preparation is simple. You need to use your espresso machine in order to fill the demitasse with the double espresso. After filling the demitasse, you put on top ice cold whip cream. And believe it or not, that is it, you got yourself a nice cup of espresso con Panna. Enjoy.
Caffe Au Lait
Or in French coffee with milk. So now what. We already talked about the coffee Latte which is the Italian specialty and is made also from espresso and milk. The explanation is simple. There are two ways of preparing the espresso based coffee with milk. The Italian and the French way, so when you decide which method of brewing you will use, you need to name it the correct way, either Caffe Latte or Caffee Au Lait.
The process of preparation is following. You will need about 7 ounces of hot brewed coffee and about 6 ounces of cold milk. The milk needs to be cold because if not it won’t foam right. Then, we move on the espresso machine in order to steam the milk. The temperature should reach around 160 degrees.
After this, you need to pour the milk in the brewed coffee. The best way of doing it is by using the spoon in order not to let the foam created by steaming milk to be poured into the mug first, because as you may know the foam needs to be on top. This coffee is about 65 % coffee and 35 % milk. It is as simple as that.
In France, it is served in the traditional bowls. This drink is also very popular in New Orleans.
Ipoh White Coffee
Place of birth Malaysia, more precisely from the city of Ipoh. This coffee was born during the British colonial era. The name (which originates from the Chinese name) indicates that during the roasting process no additives are added.
The roasting process involves roasting the coffee with sugar, margarine, palm oil, and wheat. After that, the mixture is served with the condensed milk. This coffee is considered to be healthier than others because there are no additives. While drinking it you can taste the different layers of flavor.
Like the most types of coffee, you can also find this one in instant mixture in a local supermarket, but if you want to make it in an original way, you will need to get white coffee (which you may find in the Asian store) and the rest of the ingredients are more accessible.
Now, as you may conclude from the variations of coffee mentioned above, milk and coffee seem to be pretty good friends. So it seems rational to ask ourselves what is the best type of milk that we should use in the process of preparation.
When it to the animal of origin, the cow’s milk is the most used because it is cheap, accessible and most common worldwide. Goat milk has the more powerful taste (if you ever tried it you knew that this is not the everyday cow’s milk). It doesn’t have the sweetness of cow’s milk. If you want to treat yourself to the exotic taste you may try water buffalo milk, if you can find it of course. This is the type of milk with the highest percentage of milk fat. It has a rich texture, sweet taste, and a creamy look.
Now, if we talk about-about the percentage of milk fat, you can use milk according to your taste. The milk with the higher percentage of fat are heavier and pretend to develop layers in touch with the coffee giving you the cocktail like a look.
The most common are so-called whole milk or untouched milk with the minimum of about 3.25% of milk fat up to 4 % and this is the type of milk used in the most coffee shops while preparing all espresso based coffee. We also have a milk with a reduced fat with up to 1% or 2%. When it comes to the latte drinkers they won’t notice the difference. Skim contains no milkfat at all and because of that the milk tastes sweeter and when steamed it creates much drier and denser head of foam. And when it comes to the cream, the milk fat percentage plays the main role here. More milk fat means more quality foam.
So, that is it white coffee lovers. Now you know something more about your favorite white coffee, or maybe you have met with your future favorite coffee drink in this article.