Obviously, tastes are different and everyone will have his or her own favorite among these. But before deciding, we ought to degust all of them.
Kenya AA coffee beans
There is a total of seven categories, which are AA, AB, PB, C, E, TT and T. The AA represents the best quality. A lot of arabica coffees come from Kenya. Due to the appropriate altitude and rainfall, Kenya offers us very high-quality coffees.
Costa Rica coffee beans
The Costa Rican coffee beans offer one of the world’s highest quality coffee. Costa Rica is a famous coffee-producing country lying on the Central American continent bridge straddled by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.
The Yemen Mocha coffee beans
Coffee started on it’s way to conquer the world from Yemen. Many regard the country as the cradle of coffee, as large quantities of coffee were first cultivated in here.
Panama Geisha Coffee Beans
The Geisha is a type of Arabica coffee, which was named after the western Ethiopian city, Gesha. The species is originated from Ethiopia, which got to Panama through Costa Rica.
Brazilian Cerrado Coffee Beans
Brazil Cerrado is a South American arabica coffee. We get a complex and balanced mixture of its East-African relatives if we buy a packet. Cerrado is a savannah-type landscape area in Central Brazil.
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee beans
This is Ethiopia’s legendary coffee, which the locals appreciate very much. Allegedly, this coffee is controlled with precision during the harvest. Sidamo is seen as the place of origin, the surroundings of Yirga Chefe city, to be more precise.
Ethiopian Harrar coffee beans
Also an Ethiopian coffee type. The word ‘Harrar’ refers to the region, the growing area, which stretches to the east from the capital.
Indian Monsoon Malabar coffee beans
The Monsoon Malabar coffee is one of the most unique and sought-after coffee in the world. It is grown in the Karnataka region of South West India, which is a very important growing area of tea and coffee.
Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans
Jamaica’s climate and high altitude production areas is a perfect coffee-growing area. Within this, Blue Mountain is a legendary coffee-growing area and the Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is a symbol of high-quality coffee. The price is also on the peak.
Mocha Java Coffee Beans
It is a blend of coffee beans made of high-quality Arabica grains. Mocha, an Arabica coffee grown in Ethiopia and Yemen is combined with Javanese arabica, which results in a very pleasant, harmonious blend of coffee.
Sumatra coffee beans
Indonesia’s masterpiece. Sumatra is a giant island which is not infested by mass tourism, however, it does not really need them for coffee production. The sale of coffee grown on volcanic soil makes life easier for many small villages.
Ancient Java beans
Java is one of Indonesia’s islands. The Javanese coffee is so unique that in some places “Java” refers to coffee. Not to mention the Java language program: the developers were constantly drinking coffee while creating it, so the icon became a cup of steaming coffee.
Hawaii Coffee beans
A place where we can find Kona, the world-famous gourmet coffee among the already high-quality coffee crops. This name may only be used by coffees that were harvested from the 90-100-year-old trees grown on the volcanic hillsides.
Sulawesi beans
This is an Indonesian species too, and it was named after the Sulawesi island. In addition to the cocoa plantations, coffee cultivation is also important and notable. Sulawesi is one of the places in the world, where the legendary Kopi Luwak coffee is among the products.
Tanzania Peaberry coffee beans
The peaberry name was given to thIs coffee variety because there is only one bean instead of the usual two in the crop of the coffee. This strong-flavored coffee is grown on Mount Kilimanjaro.